Enjoy the health benefits of beets, including detoxification, immune system support, and potential cancer prevention.

Health Benefits of Beets and Why You Should Be Taking It

Beets contain important health benefits, they can also help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and stay healthy.

Beets are a vegetable consumed in various parts of the world, but although it is part of different preparations, their benefits are not as well-known as their indistinguishable reddish color or their somewhat sweet taste. The truth is that it is a powerful food that can take great care of our health. 

To mention some attributes, it has a high content of water and carbohydrates, which makes it one of the vegetables richest in sugars, and fiber content. Likewise, it is attributed to the content of many of the vitamins and essential elements for the proper functioning of our body. [1]

Nutritional Value of Beets

The belief that beet fat is a myth and completely false, a 100-gram serving provides just 43 calories, with less than 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving, of which 3 grams is vegetable fiber.

A portion of beets can also provide up to 2 grams of protein, which together with vegetable fiber, make it a vegetable with high satiating power.

For every 100 grams of beets:

  • Calories: 43 kcal
  • Protein: 1.6g
  • Fat: 0.1g
  • Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
  • Fiber: 2.8g


Beets are a completely suitable vegetable if you want to lose or maintain your body weight, or if you just want to eat healthy without remorse. Its content of natural sugars is an excellent source of energy which is convenient for athletes. 

To be more specific and let you know them, we present some benefits below:

  1. Regulates blood pressure

The consumption of this vegetable helps reduce high blood pressure levels thanks to its naturally occurring nitrates, which, upon reaching the body, are converted into nitric oxide, a substance that contributes to the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, immediately improving circulation and as well as blood pressure control. [1]

  1. Provides a lot of energy

According to a study carried out at the conference of the American Diabetic Association, it was discovered that beets help increase energy in a person and this is due to its nitric oxide content that helps to dilate the arteries, resulting in a correct transport of oxygen to various parts of the body. 

  1. It is favorable for digestion

Beets carry with them a large amount of fiber that is quite useful when it comes to emptying the intestine, fighting constipation problems, and helping to prevent them. It also has a prebiotic effect that helps improve intestinal flora, which makes it highly recommended in cases of intestinal disease such as irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease. [2] 

  1. Detoxifies the body naturally

This food contains pigments known as Betalin, which help in the detoxification process but are also capable of fighting the action of free radicals and cleaning vital organs such as the liver, lungs, and blood. [3]

  1. Contributes to visual health

Its beta-carotene content prevents the appearance of cataracts. In addition, beets are rich in highly beneficial antioxidants capable of improving the state of our retina.

  1. Helps control diabetes

As it is a low glycemic index vegetable (meaning it releases sugar slowly into the blood), it helps keep your blood sugar levels low, so people with this disease can eat it with pleasure. 

  1. Fights aging and free radicals

The vitamins and minerals in beets can help increase levels of antioxidant enzymes in the body, but also increase the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and eliminating possible abnormal cells in the body and free radicals that accelerate metabolism. aging.

  1. Improves physical performance

The nitrates present in this food are converted into nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, improving blood circulation. Accompanied by its high iron content, it can be presumed that it can increase energy and muscle power, and therefore, allow greater resistance and physical performance. [4] 

  1. Helps calm asthma symptoms

Usually, those who suffer from this disease are recommended to eat a diet rich in vitamin C, which has beets very present. Given this, it is best to consume it raw, either in salads or natural juices.

  1. Contributes to the well-being of the skin

Thanks to the high levels of folic acid and vitamin B9 present in beets, its consumption provides well-being to nails, skin, and hair, due to its antioxidant powers that at the same time generate rejuvenating effects. 

  1. Decreases fluid retention

The vegetable fiber and the nutrients of the beets help to reduce the pressure of fluids in the body, helping to reduce fluid retention, this allows for lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation in the areas affected by fluid retention.

  1. It May help lower cholesterol

When you have high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood, you can find a good ally in beets to reduce them. Its content of soluble fiber and antioxidants help keep sugar and cholesterol levels under control, and it has also been pointed out that it can increase good cholesterol in the body. All this protects health against cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 

  1. It has a high content of folic acid

Among the most outstanding benefits of beets, we find that being very rich in iron and folic acid, it is excellent for patients suffering from anemia and, above all, for pregnant women because during pregnancy, a greater amount is needed. of iron to make hemoglobin and ensure that the necessary amount of oxygen reaches the cells. For its part, folic acid is essential to prevent congenital abnormalities of the fetus and that the baby is born with health problems or malformations.

They are a source of minerals and fiber:

Eat a portion of beets daily provides a high content of vitamins, Fiber, and Minerals. The micronutrients in greater proportion found in beets are: 

  • Potassium: essential mineral for the development and functioning of muscles and nerve impulses
  • Manganese: Manganese is important for brain function, as well as being important for proper gastrointestinal function.
  • Folate: helps reduce the risk of congenital malformations, its consumption is important in pregnant women 

Without a doubt, beets are a food that cannot be missing from your diet in any way.

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  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25875121/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8565237/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31343948/
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22709704/


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